Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Last Day At Work with my Boss

Today, was my last day at work with my boss, Jonathan, as my internship days here at the Canadian Institute in Greece draws to a close. It was a sad feeling when we said goodbye this afternoon and I felt even more teary-eyed when he leaned over to give me a hug!

Officially, my last day at CIG is on Aug. 6th (the day before I fly home to Toronto), however, because Jonathan doesn't work on Wednesdays and I leave for a mini vacation with my family on Thursday to Santorini, I won't see Jonathan before Aug. 1 when he goes for his own vacation back home to England. Here, August is when everyone in Athens goes to the islands to their nice vacation homes. There, they enjoy the rest of their summer on the best beaches in Greece. I have heard that Athens becomes a ghost town and lots of businesses, universities, and libraries are closed.

So while I continue on with my duties as the CIG intern, it will be quiet days here at the office without Jonathan.

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